Getting Rid of Acne

What Causes Acne?

The first step in getting rid of acne involves gaining an understanding of what is happening within your body that results in what you see on your face, chest, back... and yes, even your buttocks!

Often, well meaning people will tell you the acne on your body is the result of puberty, a hormonal imbalance, stress and a number of other things but unfortunately none of these provide an answer.

If you take the time to learn and understand why you suffer from acne in the first place you will be far more likely to be successful in getting rid of acne in the end.

Acne is most often thought of as an infection on your skin. This is mainly because the results of that infection produce quite obvious signs for you or anyone else to see. Generally an acne breakout occurs because bacteria gets into the pores of your skin where it multiplies.  The skin becomes irritated by this and then reacts in the form of sores. This is the acne that you see on your face and elsewhere.

The difficulty with this explanation of acne is that everyone has the same bacteria on their skin yet not everyone gets acne!

The real cycle of acne involves other body functions as well and because everyone is a little different, certain points will be more relevant to your acne and less relevant to others.

So let's take a broader view.

Acne is generally caused by the presence of the bacteria on your face in combination with increased amounts of oils being produced through the skin pores. This provides a great environment for bacteria to not only survive but to multiply quickly. Your body reacts by trying to fight the bacteria and this results in red spots and sores on your skin.

This now introduces the question of why the pores are over producing oil in the first place?

So once again generally speaking, there are two causes of oil over-production on the skin. The first may be diet or lifestyle and the second may an imbalance of hormones. So bad lifestyle or diet can cause hormonal imbalance resulting in too much oil leading to acne... OR... an existing hormonal imbalance is resulting in too much oil leading to acne.

Now here is where it starts to go in circles!

There is an almost infinite variety of these points that could be the cause of your acne:
  • Oils being secreted at high levels may be due to hormone imbalances caused by puberty, stress, undetected health problems, lifestyle choices or diet.
  • Bacteria on the face from a poor facial cleansing habits or (more likely) bacteria getting a hold because of over cleansing or washing too aggressively.
  • Bacteria feeding on dead skin cells that are not properly (gently!) exfoliated providing a target for infection.
  • Eating a poor diet that encourages oily skin as well as lowering the body’s resistance to infections.
  • Eating a poor diet that contains an excess of chemical additives or even an excess of animal hormones that results in your own hormonal imbalances.
And on and on we go !

To find out what is causing your acne problem you should take a look at your life with regards to what I have written above. You should seek out the help of your family doctor or a dermatologist to determine your reasons for over-producing oil secretions on your skin BUT... keep what is written here in mind when you do so and make up your own decision. If doctors had all the answers then you would most likely not be reading this.

Click Here for More Information on: Getting Rid of Acne

Click Here to See the Best Acne Treatment Program: Acne No More Review